Sequencing and scheduling
Here you will find further information about the class on sequencing and
scheduling, taught by C.A.J. Hurkens. Originally the class was intended
for Mathematics students only, and reading material included research
papers. Nowadays, the class is taught for a broader audience, and topics
are based on the book by Pinedo: Pinedo, Michael L, Planning and Scheduling
in Manufacturing and Services; Springer Series in Operations Research and
Financial Engineering, 2005 (with CD-ROM) Hardcover, ISBN: 0-387-22198-0.
Please register for this class via OASE so that you can receive relevant
Class material
Below will appear an adapted version of the sheets used in class, in PDF format:
- class 1, 11.11.2014, Introduction
and Classification.
- Exercise (1):
consider 100 operations each of which needs to be processed by one of ten
identical machines. Each machine is available from time zero onwards. Each
job should be processed without interruption. A machine can handle only one
job at a time. The schedule is considered finished after ALL jobs have been
processed. Find a schedule that minimizes the makespan. The processing times
of the 100 operations can be found here.
- class 2, 12.11.2014, Examples and classes of schedules
and Complexity.
- class 3, 18.11.2014, Algorithms and running times
and Single machine problems.
- class 4, 19.11.2014, Single machine problem: minimizing max
- class 5, 25.11.2014, Example instance for 1|r_j,pmtn|L_max
and Single machine problem: approximation for 1|r_j,d_j<0|L_max.
- 26.11.2014: no class
- class 6, 02.12.2014, Optimally solving min max lateness.
The high school challenge is given by the following
description, with the numerical
data, in readable format.
- class 7, 03.12.2014, Parallel machine problems,
LP-formulations for preempted versions, List Scheduling, (2-1/m) worst case ratio.
- class 8, 09.12.2014, Parallel machine problems, continued,
minsum problems
- class 9, 10.12.2014, Flow Shop, Job Shop
- class 10, 16.12.2014, Bipartite matching, Open Shop, 2 machine Job Shop
- class 11, 17.12.2014, Shifting Bottleneck heuristic for Job Shop
- class 12, 06.01.2015, On-line scheduling, competitive ratio
- class 13, 07.01.2015, On-line scheduling = postpone release dates; alpha-schedule, alpha-points
The regular written exam is scheduled for January 23, 2015, 1330-1630. Please
REGISTER in time. A second chance is scheduled for April 8, 2015, 1330-1630.
Old exams
Below find pointers to old exams, some in Dutch and without answers.
Exam, 23-01-2015:
Answers, 23-01-2015:
Exam, no answers, 09-04-2014:
Exam, no answers, 24-01-2014:
Exam, no answers, 23-01-2013:
Exam, no answers, 13-04-2012:
Exam, no answers, 25-01-2012:
Exam, no answers, 08-04-2011:
Exam, no answers, 21-01-2011:
Exam, no answers, 12-04-2010:
Exam, no answers, 18-01-2010:
Exam, no answers, 13-03-2009:
Exam, no answers, 12-01-2009:
Exam, no answers, 10-01-2008:
Exam, no answers, 11-05-2006:
Exam, with answers, 24-03-2006:
Exam, with answers, 04-05-2005:
postscript resp. PDF-format.
Exam, with answers, 18-03-2005:
postscript resp. PDF-format.